As a Refugee, Nobody can tell your story better than you
Refugees in Germany are to be reminded of their commitment to liberate themselves from racist discrimination, isolation and criminalization in Camps, Duldung Status with Work ban and residency obligation (apartheid Residenzpflicht) imposed through a German so-called Sonder Gesetzt (Special Law).
Refugees like you have in the past three decades been engaged in creating massive visibility on the miserable and inhuman asylum politics in German. The self-determined struggles had over the years created political consciousness and mobilized societal solidarity that has impacted on subsequent migration and asylum policies in Germany and Europe at large.
Although these amendments are to a large extent associated with racist compromises (repression beautified), such processes had on the other hand exposed the German status quo and its strong influence in the European migration and border politics.
The visibility of your situation today has been possible because people like you have been actively involved in the process to demand for their fundamental rights.
Do not fail to participation in today’s online meeting. There is a lot to benefit from exchanging to know your rights and connecting with experienced refugees who can accompany you through the German asylum predicaments from time to time.
Its a special opportunity for all refugees irrespective of you country of origin. Refugees from Ukraine should embrace this opportunity.
please spread this invitation to all Migrant and Refugee friends of yours anywhere
Meeting-ID: 889 8693 9045
Password: 060648
Date/Time: 1. June 2022 @ 6pm
See this video for motivation!
Having waited so long without a decision on his second Asylum application, Charles and a few other refugees staged a protest in front of the central asylum application center in Karlsruhe. Their determination to remain there until a decision is reached on their asylum compelled BAMF to urgently decided positively on their cases within a few days.