More than 20 activist from Karlsruhe, Stuttgart and around Pforzheim converged before midnight in front of the Pforzheim deportation prison to protest against planned deportation to Nigeria this morning.

The protest was part of the continued effort to expose the German brutal deportation culture alongside a show of solidarity with the migrants confronted with deportation to Nigeria this morning.

The spontaneously organized protest had of course taken the Deportation authority unawares and thus caused some delay with initial plans to transport detainees from the Pforzheim deportation Prison to the Airport of departure.

Although the was officially registered on the spot, the police were not relenting in their usual style of creating provocation in an attempt to criminalize the activist and otherwise legitimation to dissolve the protest.

Shortly after a an attack on a group of the activist who had sustained severe injuries from the violent act of the Police officers at the scene, another Police officer had walked up to us for no reason to threaten us with releasing the Dog.

Since the approval for the protest was dependent on our readiness to move away from the entrance to the deportation Prison, we could from a far watch the parade of the security personel as they engage in the violent transfer of the detainees into transport Vans that were meant to bring them to the deportation departure Airport.

The flight has since morning left Germany and arrived already in Nigeria at about 14hrs this afternoon in Lagos.

More information on the arrival will be published soon.

The DERS volunteers are on ground to provide emergency support for the deported person on arrival.

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