Germany is now set to kick-off with its massive deportation plan to Nigeria. The next charter deportation enforcement flight is scheduled for Tuesday 16.03.2021 from Frankfurt to Lagos. This charter deportation will be the second enforcement for this year after that of the 19.01.2021.
At a February meeting with the Nigerian Ambassador in Berlin, Ambassador Tugger informed the NGC president led delegation on his engagement with the Presidential task force on Covid19 to address the situation of deportation and the risk with the Corona pandemic. He went further to confirm the Federal government position to refuse landing permit for deportation Flights based on the collective responsibility to contain further spread of the Covid19 virus.
Ambassador Tuggers intervention aroused from a November 2020 Zoom conference organised by the Nigerian Community (NGC München) with the Nigerian Ambassador as guest. While the Ambassador Tugger was commended for his commitment to interact with Nigerians throughout the more than 4hrs online section, his attention was drawn to the ongoing deportation collaboration, ignoring Germanys position as a major Corona hotspot (Germany exporting Corona to Nigeria) – especially at a time when the country is still trying to cope with the continued economic hardship from the Corona Lock down, Bad governance and subsequent incidences like insecurity and insurgency, corruption, religious and ethnic conflicts, #EndSARS#RestructureNigeriaNow revolution etc.
By this notice, persons who are not too sure of their residential status otherwise with so-called Duldung Status (Tolerated/Obligated to leave the Country) are advised to contact their Lawyers or their asylum counseling centers. Please be aware that arrest is ongoing based on provisions of the German Foreigners Law which legitimates keeping so-called Tolerated persons in deportation Custody to guarantee their availability for a planned deportation enforcement flight.
We would categorically like to draw the attention of persons who are at the moment participating in the German so-called Voluntary Returns Program – a project of the racist “Perspective Heimat Program” meant to coerce asylum seekers to volunteer for their self-deportation. Experiences have proven that such persons could be used to fill up spaces in scheduled chartered deportation flights since their passports are in the possession of the foreign officers.
An obvious eye opener was the December 10, 2020 deportation enforcement. Two young Nigerians who had trusted and were actively co-operative in the Voluntary Return Program were brutally deported to Nigeria. That deportation incidence exposes more realities of the German Voluntary Returns Program as a Farce. Further investigation on the issue has proven that the respective Foreign Officer were receiving routine updates on their active and co-perative engagement in the training courses. A worse senerio is that the respective Foreign Officers were lieing in their faces even three days before the deporation enforcement as they appeared for the covid19 Test unknowing that this was meant to prepare them for the next deportation flight schedule.
After the scandalous and inhuman deportation incidence, correspondences with the deportation responsible Authorities clearly confirms the fact that the so-called Voluntary Return program remains only as an offer with no binding legislation to suspend deportation until the successful completion of the Voluntary Returns Preparatory trainings. Such wasted expenses are borne out of Taxpayers funds.
Please endeavor to spread this information as we stay in solidarity to demand a stop to any act of racist discrimination, deportation and colonial continuity.
Support Deportee Emergency Reception and Support
For more information, please contact us on;
Tel.: + (DE)
Tel./Wazapp: +234.817.346.3700 (NG)
The planned deportation flight was cancelled for unknown reason . Those who are not too sure of their situation are advised to seek legal counseling.
The fact that a landing permit had been issued for the today`s flight would obviously mean resumption of deportation.