About 40 African asylum seekers were on wednessday 26th Sept. deported aboard  a Czechs republic deportation machine “SMARTWINGS” from Dusseldorf airport. abschiebung

Accompanying the deportees onboard the flight were more than 80 Police officers and other concerns that make up the deportation mercenary.

In Germanys, arrest of persons had begone 2 months prior to the deportation date. The affected asylum seekers were either arrested at midnight from their residential place or during some deceptive appointment arranged by the local foreign officer (an act of contempt against the right of these persons).

This continued act of unlawful and uncalled for arrest that ignores official warrant of arrest before enforcing arrest must be strongly criticized and condermed.

The asylum seekers are rather after arrest summoned before a special judge who is expected to justify the unlawful arrest and further pronounce isolation in deportation Prison based on claims of so-called “Mitwerkungspflicht otherwise Mitwerkungspflichtverletzer” put forward by the foreign officer – non compliance with the obligation to collaborate in ones own deportation.

The basis for such demand for detention is part of coercive strategy to facilitate obtaining travelling documents as the affected persons are being presented as criminals before their country embassy delegation and in many cases to guarantee availability for a planned deportation flight.

From telephone conversation with the deported on their arrival in Lagos, they testified different experiences of mishandling by Police during the deportation process expecially for those who were taken from the deportation Prison. They confirmed the police readiness to enforce brutality at any attempt of resistance otherwise to question their act.

They deported persons were given prisoners uniform in exchange for their personal cloths, chained on both hands and legs with the hands tied to their waist.

In that manner they were transported by Bus to dusseldorf and further aboard the SMARTWINGS deportation Machine.

They deported expressed the humiliating experieneces of being exposed for hours like criminals at airport departure lobby in Dusseldorf.

22 assumed nigerians were shortly before landing released from the handcuffs and later handed over to the Nigerian immigration after the landing. The deportation mercenary continued further with the others to Accra.

The fingerprints of the deported persons were taken by the Nigerian immigration service personnels after which they were transferred to the Hajj Camp from where they were abandoned to find their way out from the airport premises on their own without any support neither with transport fares nor telephone to contact family members or friends to pick them up from the Airport. They were left with just the option to beg unknown persons to use their handy otherwise support them with money for transport out of the airport. Some of them spent that night on the street.

MiP (Promoting critical grassroot awareness)                                                                           t./whatsapp: +234.817.346.3700                                                                                                                          email: migrationinfopoint@gmail.com

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