In wheelchair and prison clothes to Ethiopia – The case of Mimi T.: Deportation madness against all reason Original Report by Bavaria Refugee Council

Yesterday at noon, 28.12.2020, Mimi T. was deported to Ethiopia. The deportation took place accompanied by four police officers from Frankfurt a. M. via Istanbul to Addis Ababa. The plane landed in the Ethiopian capital around midnight. Mimi T., still in prison clothes, was left at the airport by the German police without cash and in a wheelchair. Her personal belongings, clothes and valuables have not arrived yet. Only her cell phone was handed over at the airport in Addis Ababa – but with an empty battery. Through personal contacts of a supporter of Mimi T., at least a pick-up from the airport as well as a pension room could be organized.

As already reported several times, Mimi T’s. Health condition is really worrying. During her weeks in the Eichstätt deportation center, the young Ethiopian had a massive weight loss and had to received fluids through infusion. Most recently, she was barely able to stand on her feet and could only walk with the help of someone. While in custody, Mimi T. had attempted suicide. On 23.12.20, Mimi was examined in custody by a psychiatrist who had warned against any attempt to enforce her deportation. Internal diagnose like psychiatric situation requires an urgent need for action, the severe depressive situation has developed to include symptoms of psychosis disorder. A week earlier, Mimi had was on request by the Detention center examined at the Ingolstadt Clinic. The Doctors report confirmed her situation as unfit to travel.  Only the Doctor emplyed by the Eichstätt detention center had claimed otherwise.

“Of course, there are doubts about the independence of the detention doctor. And the fact that the Ministry of the Interior as well as the Nuremberg Foreigners Authority continue to pursue the deportation despite two specialist medical warnings as well as a psychological opinion borders on inhuman ignorance,” said Johanna Böhm, from the Bavarian Refugee Council. “To deport a seriously ill, single woman to a country in economic and political crisis during a pandemic violates all common sense. This is not regulatory failure – this is administrative will taking human lives.”

In addition to civil society protests, various legal remedies were also filed. But the Administrative Court in Ansbach rejected the independent certificates claiming that it did not meet the legal requirements. The legislative guidelines for medical certificates for refugees no longer recognise medical recommendations from conventional doctor.

“The case of Mimi T. shows several times the fatal status quo in the treatment of refugees in Bavaria,” Böhm continued. “Neither medical concern nor numerous interventions by civil society, the church, opposition parties and also government parties were able to convince the Ministry of the Interior to stop the deportation. This testifies to an extremely anti-democratic attitude of the CSU, as they are bent on enforcing deportation at any cost.”

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