Germany`s obsession to deport is ignoring worldwide call to protect oneself and in turn curb further spread of the coronavirus. As government continue to impose more restrictive measures to control social activities and limit unnecessary movement, Asylum seekers are at the same time forced to participate in deportation hearing and deprived of the right to protect themselves from the ongoing spread of the virus. and that is taking place from Monday 16-20 March 2010 at the Karlsruhe Police Station.
With the deportation hearing taking place at the Federal Police Station in Karlsruhe from Monday 16 to Friday 20 March 2020, Asylum seekers are picked up randomly from different German location, from their sleeping beds, work place and during official appointment at the Aliens office. Quite a large number of them are brought to the venue from different deportation prisons.
Two asylum seekers who were yesterday morning conveyed to the Karlsruhe hearing yesterday are being held in Isolation on their return to Pforzheim. They are expected to undergo a medical checkup be being allowed to associate with other inhabitants of the Prison.
By the legal framework in relation to keeping asylum seekers in detention prison, the deportation serves as a measure for deportation enforcement within a stipulated time. This would mean no concrete deportation schedule in the nearest future hence the need to release all asylum seekers held in deportation center with immediate effect.
As Karlsruhe joins the rest of the world to curtail the spread of the virus through restriction of social gathering that could bring so many people together to include schools and Bars etc, we are calling on the general public to demand the cancellation of the deportation hearing with the Nigerian Embassy delegation sitting in Karlsruhe. Asylum seekers also have the basic rights to protect themselves against the Coronavirus like every other member of the society.
We are therefore demanding;
Cancellation of ongoing deportation hearing taking place at the Police Station, Rintheimer Querallee 11, 76131 Karlsruhe.
Immediate release of all asylum seekers held in the different deportation prisons in Germany
Stop deportation